..........Helldivers 2: Arrowhead chiede ai giocatori se rinviare il nuovo Titolo di Guerra con In "News Giochi Multiplayer" Posted By: ArcadeMaster On Oggi at 05:11.....LECCE - Lo Sporting Lisbona vince il campionato, ai salentini arrivano altri 2.5 mili In "Napoli-Calcio" Posted By: News-Bot On Oggi at 05:11.....MILAN - A centrocampo piace Dominguez, Fofana, Renato Veiga e Amrabat le alternative In "Napoli-Calcio" Posted By: News-Bot On Oggi at 05:11.....MILAN - Attesa per l'incontro tra Conceicao e Villas Boas In "Napoli-Calcio" Posted By: News-Bot On Oggi at 05:11.....GAZZETTA - Inter, ad un passo il rinnovo di Lautaro Martinez In "Napoli-Calcio" Posted By: News-Bot On Oggi at 05:11.....
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    Stop Indivisible High Scores
Descrizione: This is simple and interesting Math game. In this game there are 4 columns each with a static number. Each time four new number will fall from upside. Before they reach to the column, please check that the number falling from above should give 0 as remainder when divided by the static number of that column. If the falling number gives remainder, just click it to eliminate. If you click a valid divisible number, you will loose a life line. Same if a number which is indivisible reach to the bottom, you will loose a life. Try to make highest possible score if you loose all 5 life lines.
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